Thursday, 24 October 2013

Grandparents day by Alex and Logos

  This is our pic collage 


  1. Hi everyone it is me Abbie. How are you I am starting to miss my old school and my old friends like Jessica and Isabel and Nervea. I made the Qatar Academy Basketball team and will play against other schools on Monday. I have really enjoyed Halloween as it was big here. I ended up with a sack full of candy. I have a New Zealand teacher called Miss Nelmes. How is Mis Mackinnon?
    From Abbie

    1. Hi Abbie,

      How is school in Doha?

      We have been doing lots things at school like the production. We have the Gala coming up next week and we are doing a nail and tattoo stall. Do you have a gala in Doha? What is it like over there? Are you learning a new language?

      We will miss you.

      From Cherry.

    2. Have you forgotten Roary? Roary really miss' you!
      We all miss you

      From Logos

  2. Hi Abbie,
    I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing. That is exciting news that you made the Academy Team-congratulations! How is school over there? How is it different or similar to NZ schools? Did you dress up for Halloween? We have been busy in class sharing holiday projects and we are getting ready for athletics day in the coming weeks.
    How is everyone in your family?
    From Miss McKinnon
